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75 min Birth in Balance (38-40+ wks)
This massage treatment focuses on alignment and balance of the soft tissues of the pelvis, pelvic floor, spine, the fascia of the posterior backline, including the ribcage and upper body; all of which play an important role in helping your baby find optimal positioning for labour and birth. This treatment also begins…
This massage treatment focuses on alignment and balance of the soft tissues of the pelvis, pelvic floor, spine, the fascia of the posterior backline, including the ribcage and upper body; all of which play an important role in helping your baby find optimal positioning for labour and birth. This treatment also begins to prime the body for labour by stimulating labour points with acupressure and may include moxibustion.

Although it is optional; the Birth Kit, provides you with tools and techniques to balance the soft tissues of the pelvis - sacrum, pelvic bowl, uterus and upper body; positions specific to you, to help your baby navigate the pelvic space. This also includes the location and instructions on stimulating acupressure points for labour (from 39 weeks) using moxa sticks and a guided relaxation for birth.

Please note, this treatment is not recognised by Health Funds as eligible for rebate.
