bookitLive (software as a service)
bookitLive is a online booking & payment software operated by bookitLive International, headquartered in Melbourne, Victoria, that offers booking management software. bookitLive allows users to search a service providers availability and make a booking online. The service is accessible through a web browser from an internet connected device.
bookitLive was founded in 2007 by Craig Dickson as a startup company.
According to bookitLive , founder Craig Dickson he conceived the idea after being frustrated about not being able to make an appointment booking to see his massage therapist on a weekend. He says that were no existing services available at the time. He began working with his existing businesses web developer to design a solution for his massage therapist and then realized that it could benefit any service based business that had the same problems.
Business model
bookitLive uses a subscription business model, where a business pays a monthly or annual subscription for an account.
The online service is primarily written in Ajax & PHP utilising a MySQL database.